Posted On Tuesday, June 21st, 2011 By pball
This lets you open links in mirc with any program you choose. So there is no need to change the default browser to get mirc to use another program for opening links.
Simply load the script, then you’ll be prompted to select a file. Select the program you wish to open links with. Then start clicking links.
That’s it!
If the program selected doesn’t exist when you click a link (program deleted or moved) you’ll be prompted to select a new program or to use the default program.
Browser Selector v1
To Load:
To load type /load -rs “script directory/Browser_Selector.mrc”
To unload type /unload -rs “script directory/Browser_Selector.mrc”
Posted On Thursday, June 9th, 2011 By pball
Well some shit happened and my old site got deleted and I can’t get the same domain name back. I’m sad since that was a nice nondescript free domain that my host had.
But I’m back and will hopefully have more scripts up some time.
All the links should be updated, but please let me know if anything is broken.
Posted On Friday, April 15th, 2011 By pball
Do you like pasting many lines in irc but don’t like getting killed when you paste too many lines to quickly. This script adds a delay between lines you paste.
V3.0 Redid the whole script some problem but I forget what the problem was
After you load the script it will not be on. You have to add the delay time in milliseconds. 1000 ms is 1 second.
Type: /pastedelay 250
This will give you a delay time of 1/4 second between lines. Entering 0 will turn the script off.
There is also a command to stop the current paste if you accidental paste something really long or just want to stop it.
Type: /stoppaste
This script may not work on a client with a theme script, as theme scripting can hijack the on input to add the theme. Which could either cause it to not work or display/send the text twice.
Paste Delayer v2.0
To Load:
To load type /load -rs “script directory/Paste_Delayer.mrc”
To unload type /unload -rs “script directory/Paste_Delayer.mrc”
Posted On Friday, April 15th, 2011 By pball
This scripts give you an alias and right click option to check if a person’s nick is identified and/or registered.
Type /chkident nick
Right click a nick and select “Check Identified”
There are three possible outputs.
nick is identified This means the nick is registered and has identified to their nick.
nick is not identified This means the nick is registered but has not identified to their nick.
nick is not identified
nick is not registered This means the nick is not registered which also means it can’t be identified.
Check Identified/Registered v1
To Load:
To load type /load -rs “script directory/Check_Identified.mrc”
To unload type /unload -rs “script directory/Check_Identified.mrc”
Posted On Monday, April 11th, 2011 By pball
This addon shows when selected nicks join/part/quit from either all or selected channels. This addon is for people who like to hide the join/part/quit events by default but still would like to track a few friends. It simply shows the join or part event in selected or all channels and the quit event in the nicks query window if you have one open with that nick and all common channels in the selected channels list if the all channel option isn’t selected
Joins v2.1
To Load:
To load type /load -rs “script directory/Joins.mrc”
To unload type /unload -rs “script directory/Joins.mrc”
The options dialog.